Disclaimer: Amateur at work, for best results,
seek professional help.
I made my first batch of morning moo (my select brand of powdered milk). It was an entertaining process. Here are the steps I took:
First, I gathered my supplies and read the directions - gallon jug, morning moo, measuring cup, funnel. Mixed 2 cups powder with 1 quart hot water, then add to remaining 3 quarts cold water equaling 1 gallon finished product. Fine.
Second, I measured out the morning moo, 2 cups powder. So far so good.
Third, I tried to figure out how to get all that sticky, messy powder down the funnel and into the milk jug. This was my first big mistake, and mid-process I burst out laughing. Why didn’t I mix this in a pitcher first and then pour it into the jug though the funnel, I wondered. I bet you were wondering that, too. Oh well, I love to reinvent the wheel, so forward I went.
Fourth, I made a paper funnel, thinking a bigger exit hole would help when my plastic funnel wasn’t working out so well. This step did not help as much as I hoped.
Fifth, I added water and gave it a shake. I shook this stuff so hard I lost my wrap skirt twice (good thing I was all alone in the privacy of my own home). It took a long time to get all the lumps to dissolve.
Sixth, I started adding the cold water to top off my gallon. Here I ran into a problem with foam. Seventh, I pause the game (isn’t this so much fun) and call my good friend Donna. I tell her of my trial so far, we laugh hysterically, then I ask seriously “Donna, what do you do about all the foam?” I get the feeling that if I had done it right in the first place, I wouldn’t have such a problem with the foam. Kindly, Donna does not say this. She just says, “Let it rest. Come back to it later. You could try stirring the foam down a little, add some more water, let it rest and then add some more water.” Patience is often the most practical advise.
Eighth, I wait, add water, stir. Wait some more, add more water. Patience, patience.
Ninth, I clean up my enormous mess (see photos below).
Tenth, I let lots of time elapse and finally refrigerate my first gallon of morning moo.
Tip: Think ahead to prevent a 3 step simple process from turning into a 10 step invasive procedure.
loving the toes in the powder! too cute!
So let me see if I get the idea here. You have chosen not to go to the store for a whole month to see if you could live off of what is in your food storage?
That is cool. How are your kids reacting to the change in Diet? How about big G?
Let me know...
Cabbage Soup Diet
That sounds very much like Donna. She is so patient and always says things in the nicest possible way. I would have said something like "what did you do, crazy woman?" But no, Donna, she's the sweetest thing.
You may have been alone when your wrap skirt fell, but you really should get some curtains for that kitchen window. High School Musical underoos? Really? I always thought you were more of a Hello Kitty type.
Haha, you're funny, I love the way you write!
Hey Mariah,
We love the Morning Moo's Powdered Chocolate Milk. I've found the best way to mix it is in a blender for the hot water and powder. Then you add the cold water to it in the pitcher you plan on using. I know it's late, but hopefully that helps for the future.
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