Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Easier the Better

Today is a day I’d really, really rather eat out. Better out than in, I always say, when the day flies by so fast and you can hardly catch a moment to breathe. But, I resisted that urge, saving my cash for another day, and decided to make tacos instead. And with pre-made corn tortilla shells, it was so easy.

What We Ate: Breakfast - 100% food storage friendly rice pudding (recipe to follow)
Lunch - Who knows, I can’t even remember lunch
Snack - Rice crispy treats and pumpkin pancakes
Dinner - Tacos, taco salad, nachos and whatever else you can imagine making with pre-packaged taco shells, ground beef (to quote Don, “I love ground beef. Why don’t we eat it more often?” Oh, just wait as the month moves on, you’ll have your fill of ground beef, I muse with a grin.), cheese, guacamole and a bunch of other non-food storage items.

One comment here, a trick I learned from my sis. To make your taco meat stretch further, add an egg to the pan once you’ve drained the grease. Think fried rice only Mexican style.


Rice Pudding
3 cups leftover cooked rice
1 cup morning moo (reconstituted powdered milk)
½ cup canned milk
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste
Bring milk, sugar, vanilla and spices to a boil. Reduce heat, add rice. Simmer for five minutes and serve.

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