Earlier this year we made a goal to have our pantry pretty well prepared by a certain date. For some odd reason, we chose election day, November 4th. There are lots of reasons for our experiment. Here are a few.
My top ten reasons for avoiding the grocery store for a whole month:
10. Sadomasochism. How painful can it really be?
9. Use it or lose it - certain food storage items requiring a little rotation - I think we acquired some of it from my parents when we got married 16 years ago.
8. My menu was starting to get boring. Wonder what I can do with a hundred pounds of rice, 32 cans of olives and a boat load of ramen noodles.
7. I'm hypermiling and trips to the store in my fat family wagon kill my mileage.
6. I read about it here in the Reader's Digest. Who doesn't love this practical periodical.
5. I'd rather be reading. I'm trying to work my way through the unabridged Les Mis, a beautiful but VERY long book. I'm on page 36 of 1463.
4. "Walmart. Save money. Live better." That's their slogan, not mine.
3. I am the queen of impulse buys. Hmm, I think I need some travel size lint removers and a laser pen/flashlight.
2.I save so much money when I don't go to the store!
And, the Number 1 reason for avoiding the store for a month -
The government bailout didn't include my personal checking account.
More to come concerning this weeks meals and details about my last official shopping day.
Way to go Mariah! Good for you! It's so good to hear from you, and I CAN'T WAIT to hear how it goes.
Yay! Go Riah! I can't wait to hear about how your experiment goes...Also, what's this I hear about home made pasta?
Awesome! I am glad you are blogging this so we can see how it turns out! I am sure we will all learn a lesson here, at least I want to!
LOL, this is great. I'll be checking in for a little inspiration. This will be a great learning exp for us all. Thanks for sharing!!!
Just so you know, I'll be camping somewhere secret by your house because I know you'll be tempted to sneak out sometime and do a little shopping. SO, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!
I'm watching you. Don't make me have to jump out from behind a shrub and shine my laser pen flashlight in your face.
I love it Mariah! Can't wait to see how it turns out...
Maybe I need to make a top ten list for doing this blog. Somewhere at the top of the list would be accountability. I want you to keep me honest.
Okay I think that I got it now. I think that we should do the same thing... we also acquired some of our food storage from my wife's parents. It is probably as old as she is...if not older.
Great idea for a Blog!
Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe
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