"What are sister gifts?" you may ask? Well, they are gifts made for my kindred spirits. I have a lot of them. I do have brothers, too, but they don't care so much about pretty, sweet smelling, calming sort of gifts. So, I've termed my favorite things to share with the many women in my circle "Sister Gifts."
Sister Gift #1 - Hand Rolled Bees Wax Candles

Sister Gift # 2 - Bamboo Reed Essential Oil Diffuser

There's good news and bad news tied to this one. First, the good news. I got all of my stuff early, so I'm set on this gift. Also good news, if you buy soon, thesage.com (I have no affiliation with them other than being a loyal customer) is very good about shipping the day you order and getting your order to you quick. So, you may have time if you live anywhere close to me.
The bad news could be good news for some of you. Here it is, the bad news is that I saw all the makings for this gift in Wal-mart today at a price of somewhere around $6 for everything you need. "Why is that bad," you ask. Because, I hate Wal-mart. Especially after my No More Grocery Shopping Experience. I HATE Wal-mart. Did I say it strongly enough. So, why did I go in? Dumb stuff like crafty pipe cleaner for a kids art project and an in-car tool kit for my husbands car pool budies. Where else could I get such varied items. Anyway, maybe it's good news, you can get lots of cheap stuff to make cool gifts, even from Wal-mart.
Sister Gift #3 - Homemade Spice Jars

- Go to your local health food store and buy herb/spices in bulk. Make a blend or keep them as single spices.
- Visit this site for ideas on awesome blends you can make in your kitchen. It seems to be a great site for other things as well, spend some time there when you have a minute.
- Go to sfherb.com. This is the San Fransisco Herb Company I mentioned in a comment earlier. It's sister company is the Atlantic Spice Co. on the east coast. I love everything I've ever ordered from them and their spices stay good for years.
That's it for now. What are your favorite cheap and easy sister gifts?
1 comment:
This is Luisa Suorsa! I've been trying to find out where you guys are living now -- I sent you a Christmas card a couple of years ago and it was returned to me.
Anyway, I wanted to send you a Christmas card but I haven't been able to find you -- I ended up asking "The Google" about you guys and I found a Fralick blog that linked to this blog. You may email me at luisasuorsa at msn dot com. We'd love to get back in touch with you guys.
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