BargainBrags( is a blog my sister-in-law, Tiff, maintains. This little vignette belongs on her blog, but I wanted to share it here. It was KC’s birthday on Black Friday. Actually, she was born on Black Friday, but I had no idea that it even held that title until this year. Anyway, we got back from our trip late Friday evening, but not too late to hit the mall for my promised gift to KC. She got her ears pierced and it was a great adventure. She is such a cool girl, she was hardly even nervous. After we chose her first pair of earrings and they were forced through her little lobes, we decided to hike upstairs to Bath and Body Works. There they had several lovely items on sale; items I’ve had my eye on for a while and have waited for a sale on.

After some deliberating, I chose 3 Wallflower starter sets and 3 refill packs at. Not too bad, $30. I made my selections, and went to stand in line. While I was there, I found the softest socks in the world. They were made with aloe and only cost $5, the same price of every other item in my stack of stuff, I wanted to give them as gifts and chose 3 from the shelf. While I waited in that tedious line (beginning to understand the term Black Friday) I began to consider each item in my arms. As I thought about the things I thought I wanted so much, I remembered the dozen or so scented candles waiting to be burned at home. Additionally, I have a closet full of essential oils waiting to be used in creative new ways to fill the same purpose the Wallflowers would. I thought about our financial goals, and while every item I held only cost $5, all together they added up to $45 and that was a modest sum. So, guess how I saved $45 dollars at Bath & Body Works. I left all of my stuff on the table next to me in line. That was it. So, there's your lesson #2:
Liberate yourself by limiting your expenditures.
This morning I went through my closet and found that I have the makings of some great gifts. My husband has been wanting a bamboo reed scented oil diffuser for his office. I could make several from what I have here at home. We are trying to make, or recycle, at least one gift for each member of our family. This can be my home made gift to him. More on that later. Now to the moral of the story.
The gift I'm giving my husband for his office. It will only cost me a couple of bucks to make it.
Sometimes all we need to do is hold the things we think we need and then consider the things we already have that could work just as well. Sometimes we need to think about the time and energy the purchase of that item will cost you in the end, how many hours would you or your spouse have to work to come up with that sum. Even if it’s only one hour, what you do with one free hour? Just a thought. I have done this exercise a few times. Never deliberately, but it always teaches me something.
So, that’s to do with holiday gifts or sale items. What about your grocery shopping list? What about all the parties and errands and people to see to this season? Is there a way to limit your expenditures in time and money to make room for the things that really fill you? What would you do with a liberated hour purchased by your ability to limit your list of stuff to do and things to buy?
YEYYY! I'm so glad you put the stuff back. SO GLAD!
I'll admit... when I read the line "I saved $45 at Bath and Body Works," I rolled my eyes internally and thought "yeah, but how much did it cost you to 'save' that $45?" (Are you getting a peek into my party-pooper opinionated mind?)(Or did you know this about me already?)
Years ago, I heard someone say "no sale saves you money." I knew it was true then, but I didn't really 'get it' until a couple years passed.
YEYYY for your savings!
Adhis, I knew that opinionated party-pooper bit about you already and I love you even if you rolled your eyes at me.
I do wonder about the adage that "no sale saves you money." Do you think it’s universally true? Is it always true because generally to save money you have to spend money? Maybe rather than saying we saved money, we should say, we spent less than we anticipated. Hmm. Is it just semantics?
you know what.....bath and body works is one of the main things that i miss from New way I could have put it down, so I am very impressed!!!
I havent spent my $10 yet. I am waiting until after the hols as the post will be better then, we have a history of loosing stuff in the post over christmas time!!
I save tons of money at sales. The key is to only buy things that you WOULD HAVE BOUGHT ANYWAY. The savers of the world look forward to sales and buy what they need THEN instead of whenever they run out. I buy everything on sale - except milk - we need that every week no matter the price. =o)
Example - Ben almost got something for me for my birthday but apologized and decided to wait for Black Friday. We "saved" $150. Yeah it cost more than that to buy, but he would have bought it a month earlier for full price... because he loves me. =o) There's the root of that problem.
I doubt, however, that this is the method of those trying to run us over with shopping carts on our first ever Black Friday expedition.
Mariah, I will do Ben a favor and NOT make him a gift from the smelly stuff around MY house. =o)
Your posts are inspiring, thanks.
I love it! Thanks Riah, I absolutely love to read your blog, and I always make mental notes along the way. Thank you!
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