Here is my grand salute to the games people play, well, kids specifically. I’ll break it up into age groups for you and try to provide links for further instructions. As with most of my posts, there’s not an original idea to be found here, and I am much indebted to the original thinkers in this whose links I share with each item mentioned.
This list of home made toys for kids that goes beyond the classic rag-dolls for girls and wooden trains for boys. Because certain toys are classic, they may not be here. These are just the things I would enjoy making or playing with. If a toy falls into a certain category, it will probably work for older kids, too. One final note on the links here, if a particular site is encouraging you to purchase something, don’t do it. Just look at their idea and make it yourself.
Toddlers -

A matching game

Older Kids -
Weaving loom
Marshmallow Guns
Home made puzzle
Ultra Bouncy Ball
Here is a great site for lots of old-fashioned toys. Mother Earth News also did the extensive Egg study I sited a while back. These guys are a favorite for simple living.
Let me know what you think of this completely unexhaustive list. Please share your ideas with us. What are you making for the kids in your life this year?
I made a trip to the store. =o)
A lot of great ideas!
when I am done being sick, this will be my "blog of the week"
making christmas presents is much more fun than buying them!
I made James a whole kitchen of felt food. Also Craigslist is a great thrifty way to find gifts. We got his play kitchen from there, and it still has a lot of play left in it.
Love these ideas! Just the thing I have been looking for.
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