I didn't have $1000 laying around to spend, or save on groceries, but somehow I did it anyway. I'm sorry to back track, but I have some documentation that just needs to be done. I've been reviewing financial statements and was amazed to see how much money I actually saved last month. I knew I needed to save money, robbing Peter to pay Paul is not my favorite game, so that's why I did the experiment in the first place. Before I started I figured the grocery budget for my family of 6 was about $600. Remember, I have four kids, including 2 growing boys who seem to be bottomless pits, and a husband who is all about eating lots of fresh produce. So, the first $600 I saved is a gimme. I didn't go to the store, I saved all that money. But, where did all the other money come from? Or, better stated, where did it all go in the previous months? Several places. It turns out that No More Grocery Shopping had budgetary benefits beyond my food funds. Here's what I found. Because I didn't go to the grocery store:
- I saved an easy $100 on gas. That is comparing to the months when gas was near $4/gal.
- I saved another $100+ on food items that didn't start out on my list but still ended up in my cart.
- I saved $100+ on non-food items that I didn't buy because I wasn't at the store.
- I saved $100 on stuff I might have bought because I was out-and-about.
Remember, the point isn't to never go grocery shopping again, but, what would you with $1000 saved in a month or two?
With an extra $500 a month, we would be on track with our retirement and college savings and could FINALLY move on to paying off our home early!
If next month you find another $500-$1000 in your couch cushions, it's mine. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I last visited.
That is amazing! This week I have been baffled by my 3 trips to the grocery store. 130$ later...and I wasn't going to shop this week. No willpower here! Must do better! But how could I pass up 1$loaf of bread? (And the 35 other dollars of things that jumped into my cart - or should I say Maddie's little cart at the new Smiths). Next week is the week, I will do better!
Great goals, Adhis. And thanks for letting me know where to send all that money I found in my couch. I was beginning to have a moral dilemma.
And, Heidi, my thing at the new store was the $10 off $50 worth of games and toys. That was a hook I wasn't expecting that got me, especialy as I'm trying to finish all my Holiday shopping.
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