- We can live on WAY less than we previously thought - "What were we buying before?" one kid asked, "Because I can't tell any difference in the food we're eating." Perfect, no deprivation, only changes in the choices we make at the grocery store.
- We are seeing evidence of the principle of compensation at work in our lives. Before we began all of these adventures we had a lot going for us in the way of income, a free car, money in savings, storage rooms full of food. A year of self-employment and another year of inconsistent paychecks depleted all of that. Now, we are seeing a restoration of many things we had to let go of on our journey to this point.
- Our two businesses that were in hibernation mode for the winter woke up early bringing unexpected income.
- We got an amazing refi deal on our home.
- We paid down our auto loan to less than half what it was before we began our experiment and only have a few months to go before payoff.
- Our family time has freed up in some significant ways.
- We had 10 incredible Christmas miracles during one of the busiest Christmases of our lives. Some of these include a perfectly-timed rescue when we were on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere, tickets for our entire family (including Heba) to go to a memorable Christmas Concert at Temple Square, new tires on the car that prevented additional problems on our Christmas road trip, a changing of the guard in our church responsibilities.
- We can give more than we think.
- Our kids provide generous examples of how to give and not regret.
- Our family has grown more united in purpose to give, save and move toward common goals.
I'm still pondering our next experiment. Any thoughts?
Great results, family!
(Edited because I wasn't sure if I should mention your last names here.)
Yay Mariah! You are such an inspiration to me, I'm too ashamed to even mention what my grocery bill is a month...needless to say, it contains plenty of unncecessary items = )
Hmmm...I'll have to think on some ideas for your next experiment. muahahahaha...(that was an evil laugh, by the way)
Thank you both! Can't wait Katie.
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