Friday, February 3, 2012

Overdue Reflections

So, we made it to the end of our experiment.  We cut our grocery budget in HALF.  We went from spending over $600/month on groceries to about $300.  We had enough and to spare.  We received A LOT more than we gave.  Here are some of the blessings and epiphanies that came about through our experiment:
  1. We can live on WAY less than we previously thought - "What were we buying before?" one kid asked,  "Because I can't tell any difference in the food we're eating."  Perfect, no deprivation, only changes in the choices we make at the grocery store.
  2. We are seeing evidence of the principle of compensation at work in our lives.  Before we began all of these adventures we had a lot going for us in the way of income, a free car, money in savings, storage rooms full of food.  A year of self-employment and another year of inconsistent paychecks depleted all of that.  Now, we are seeing a restoration of many things we had to let go of on our journey to this point.
  3. Our two businesses that were in hibernation mode for the winter woke up early bringing unexpected income. 
  4. We got an amazing refi deal on our home.
  5. We paid down our auto loan to less than half what it was before we began our experiment and only have a few months to go before payoff.
  6. Our family time has freed up in some significant ways.  
  7. We had 10 incredible Christmas miracles during one of the busiest Christmases of our lives.  Some of these include a perfectly-timed rescue when we were on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere, tickets for our entire family (including Heba) to go to a memorable Christmas Concert at Temple Square, new tires on the car that prevented additional problems on our Christmas road trip, a changing of the guard in our church responsibilities.
  8. We can give more than we think.
  9. Our kids provide generous examples of how to give and not regret.
  10. Our family has grown more united in purpose to give, save and move toward common goals.
I'm still pondering our next experiment.  Any thoughts?


Adhis said...

Great results, family!

(Edited because I wasn't sure if I should mention your last names here.)

Katie-Rose said...

Yay Mariah! You are such an inspiration to me, I'm too ashamed to even mention what my grocery bill is a month...needless to say, it contains plenty of unncecessary items = )

Hmmm...I'll have to think on some ideas for your next experiment. muahahahaha...(that was an evil laugh, by the way)

Mariah said...

Thank you both! Can't wait Katie.