Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 2 - Lots-O-Leftovers

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, the need to be in too many places at once, and the desire to clear out the fridge, I've decided that low-prep leftovers are in order all week, except for the big day itself.

I'm proud to post that the roast I made Sunday actually made it through three meals, just like the olden days when we had much smaller children.  Of course, Bren has been gone doing a big musical production at school and Caleb has a touch of the stomach flu, so I know it's not a fair comparison to what we usually do.  Still, here's what the dinner menu looks like so far:
  • the first day we ate a roast - with carrots, potatoes and onions
  • yesterday it was shredded beef tacos - with cheese, sour cream and spinach salsa
  • tonight we had cajun beef stew over rice - with the broth and veggies I had set aside from Sunday.
And, each dish was different enough that no one even balked at leftovers.  Yay!

1 comment:

Katie-Rose said...

I love it when that happens!