Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Staying out of the store....again

If you haven't been to my new blog, Home of Peace and Plenty, you should check it out. It's a little more philosophical than this blog, but my thoughts are still forming and there's really not an original thought there. However, the experiment proves to be interesting.

As for this blog, here's the latest in the grocery shopping realm. We decided in our family meeting last night to return to no more grocery shopping for the last quarter of the year. So, from the beginning of October until January we will not be going to the grocery store with the following exceptions (note there are fewer exceptions this go around than last time):
  1. We can still visit any local producers; i.e. orchards, the dairy, the egg lady, and the farmers market (for produce only).

  2. Turkeys, birthday meals, and school needs ("Mom, I'm supposed to bring 2 dozen pre-wrapped rice crispy treats to class tomorrow") are exempt.

  3. If Don's out of town, we can go out to eat.

We're not stocking up a whole lot for this since we spent the last year preparing. There are some things I want to get but they are non-food items like duct tape (you can't imagine all the things you can do with that stuff from taping kids' mouths shut ; ) to making wallets and shoes, there are hours of fun and entertainment in each roll). I should also go over my list of stuff I ran out of last time to be sure.

These are the things I ran out of during my month of No More Grocery Shopping

  1. Paper plates
  2. Paper cups
  3. Paper muffin cups
  4. Paper lunch bags
  5. Sesame oil (I already stocked up)
  6. Lettuce (Hmm, Sunflower Farmers' Market for all produce)
  7. Cilantro
  8. Salad greens
  9. Other fresh veggies
  10. Milk (Local Dairy)
  11. Cream (Ditto)
  12. Hot chocolate mix - (Taken care of)

So, what would you stock up on if you weren't going to the store for three months?


Heidi said...

chocolate. Lots of chocolate. We are out of spaghetti sauce, too! Yesterday I went to Macey's and bought everything I need for the next 9 days of meals. (Baby steps here at the wakley home). It feels good though to know I can whip up 9 meals right now if needed!

Janet said...

I agree with Heidi. Chocolate.

Mariah said...

You two are awesome. I keep forgetting to remind myself about chocolate. I have about 10 lbs. of choco chips, but I don't know that it will get me through the holidays. Fabulous. As for spaghetti sauce, we are the pasta house, and spaghetti sauce may be our main source of nutrients once we get down to the end of it all. I want to hear more about your 9 meals, Heidi. Would you be willing to do a guest post?

Adhis said...

We have three months worth of food and the main thing I'd be concerned about is grain bread and produce. (Making my own bread sounds tedious to me.)

The things that come immediately to my mind that I would want to make sure I have enough of is diapers, wipes, contact solution, and some variety of treats (now that I'm in the middle of pregnancy cravings).

I wish we could get more neighbors to post. I love hearing great ideas in the realm of self-reliance!

Kristen said...

Diapers and toothpaste!

I try to keep at least two extra packages of EVERYTHING non-food that we use.

When there's only one left in storage, I buy at least two more (on sale).

Adhis - what about those peaches you canned? They're produce!

Adhis said...

That's true, Kristen. I should have been more specific. I'm more concerned about fresh fruits and veggies.

So Heidi, what say ye? Will you guest write? :)