Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
(Old Testament, Malachi 3:10)
So, we've been talking about how this scripture applies to our time. The following is a conversation with my husband. It turned out differently than i thought it would, but it is honest and blunt, and gets to the crux of the question. See what you think.

Me: So, I've been thinking about our fourth quarter experiment for the year and this is what I've sort of come up with, what if we tithe our time.
Him: What do you mean?
Me: I mean, look at the older kids. They spend almost 4 hours of a fourth hour school/work week sharing their time with little kids tutoring in reading and Chinese. I know those hours are part of the service they need to do for a school project, but still, they provide a great service and they love that time. What if we all looked at what we could do, or maybe what we are already doing, and see what we can offer more?
Him: Well, if you include what we are already doing, I say great. Here's the thing. I get up every day and go to work. I work all day and come home. Then I spend all evening doing dinner, homework, kid stuff and other things with the family. I almost never run or play my guitar. I feel like my time is all tithed out in the support of my family. Then, I look at what the kids are doing. They are great kids, but have you seen their bedrooms? Have they even had stewardship over anything but their own stuff since we moved? It's frustrating to feel like we work so hard, and they don't even take care of the smallest things beyond going to school.
I was taken back by his strong reaction. But I forged on.
Me: You are absolutely right. They need to get back in the habit of cleaning their rooms and having an area of stewardship in the house. And, I just had an epiphany that maybe you're right. Maybe you already tithe AND offer all of your time out in the service of your family. So, maybe what we need is a miracle. Just like we have seen miracles financially when we live this law with money, maybe we could see miracles of time if we really put it to the test in how we give of ourselves.
Him: I think it's great what the kids are doing. But i really want them to get back to the basics. Seems like the law of tithes and offerings has two parts, obviously. The first part is tithing. That is what we are required to give. The second part is offering, that part does not have a mandated amount. So, what if we look at our time, or their time, in those ways. I want to be sure we are meeting the tithing part first - taking care of our responsibilities and stewardships in order to establish a foundation. And, then, move forward with the offering part - looking at what we can do above and beyond what is required of us.
Me: I think that sounds great. The only thing is, I wonder if we can't do them simultaneously. Take care of the needful as we try to go the extra mile. I really need the windows of heaven to open up for my time, and I know you do to. It's just an experiment, but do you believe it could actually work?
Him: Of course, I just don't think we (here, I think he really means the kids and me) should neglect the most important things at home as they are out doing their service in the world.
Me: True. Let's talk to them about reestablishing our tradition of taking care of our stuff and stewardships.
Him: I could go for that.
After this conversation I realized. The miracle I most hope for all of us, especially my husband, is for more time to develop our talents and pursue the things we love to do. But, when the windows of Heaven open, you usually get way more than you bargain for.
More to come.
After this conversation I realized. The miracle I most hope for all of us, especially my husband, is for more time to develop our talents and pursue the things we love to do. But, when the windows of Heaven open, you usually get way more than you bargain for.
More to come.
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