This week I did one of the worst things. I forgot my little sister Katie's birthday for the first time in her life. I remembered it earlier last week, and I talk to her almost every day, but when the day came, I totally blew it off. I did not even think of what the date was once that day. So bad.
To make it up to her, I promptly went to work on a request she made of me lately, "Will you please write down what you are doing for meals and send it to me." In this she was referring to my plan to make and freeze several dinner dishes. I responded in the moment with a half-committed, "Sure," as in, "Sure. Like I ever write down what I'm doing." Asking for a recipe from me is like asking me for an inventory of my cupboards. I know approximately what I've got to work with, but recording it is another story. I live broadly by intuition in the kitchen, and sadly, my intuition isn't that organized.
Luckily, this time, I had a scribe in my freezer meal making endeavors, and she was an excellent recorder. I also had another partner at the stove watching everything I was adding to each stock pot and sauce pan. When we finished making 4 recipes and 10 meals, most of what we had done was documented. Hurray!
So, when I realized, in the middle of the night, TWO DAYS AFTER I'd forgotten Katie's birthday, I thought, "It's okay, I have the perfect gift: freezer meal recipes." I know what your thinking. What kind of lousy sister gives freezer meal recipes as a sorry-I-forgot-your-birthday-gift? Me. And, that's just what I did. Now I'm sharing with all of you.
Now for some interesting notes about the meals themselves:
- we made Chili, Chicken Ala King, Enchilada Casserole and Bacon Fried Rice
- all of these are gluten free
- all but the Chicken Ala King can be made vegetarian
- both of my culinary partners were amazed at how easy and delicious all of these recipes were
- when I broke down all the costs it was $50 for ten meals, Rock On!
And now for the recipes you've been waiting for.....click here.